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5 gifts martial arts give us

by | Enshin Lifestyle

You just had a long day at work and a co-worker invites you out to get drinks and watch the game. Politely, you decline and explain “I train martial arts after work”. You can tell they’re interested in what makes you so disciplined to decline leisure and find solace in combat. You’ve found meaning in your life and a new reason to wake up. If this sounds like you or the change you seek in your life, you may also relate to these profound gifts that martial arts offers:

Today Fuku Kancho Mike Ninomiya of Enshin will share:

5 Gifts martial arts give us

1. The gift of confidence.

Junior black belt Ethan exudes confidence as he walks out for the World Junior Sabaki

Martial arts teaches us how to deal with the unexpected. Inherently, as we learn to feel more secure physically and emotionally on the mat it translates off the mat. While this connection is undeniable for kids, adults also become remarkably more prepared for any situation that may come our way. This has a huge effect on our confidence level. While I can only speak for myself, one of my biggest challenges has been public speaking. When I was younger, I’d rather face opponents who were much bigger than me than face a public speaking engagement. Just this month, I can confidently say I felt at ease on national radio and television.

2. The gift of humility.

The bow is symbolic of a rice plant at fruition, whose head drops to the ground to give sustenance to others.

Kenjo no bitoku: with true strength comes humility. This Japanese phrase sums up the interesting connection between confidence and humility. An authentic martial arts community encourages the most efficient use of one’s strength and acceptance of our limitations. No one is perfect or bulletproof and while our training partners may vary, we can learn from anyone and any situation regardless of its appearance. I vividly remember seeing my father spar kids with the tenacity of real combat but the gentleness and control of a nimble cat. We learn how to channel any strength we have, to lift others up to assist others.

3.  The gift of resilience.

Three year live in apprentice Dave shows unshakable spirit in training and in his life

In addition to being physically fit and having inner strength, the countless hours of disciplined training will forge a warrior spirit that is immovable and unbreakable. At the end of the day, the biggest opponent is ourself. As we learn to accept and face our inner darkness and work with ourself, we naturally become more equipped in life when faced with adversity and setbacks. Ironically, we may even challenge ourself to face the fears, doubts and insecurities because we have the tools to understand the fears. This understanding allows us to follow your dreams. When I was told by doctors I’d be on debilitating medication for schizophrenia the rest of my life; this gift of resilience allowed me to understand the path of healing was inside. I am now living medication free and feel a productive member of society. 

4.  The gift of inner calm.

The tranquility of one of our peewees (3-5 year old)

Let’s face it, society for the most part has evolved to the point where we don’t technically need martial arts to survive. If we are overly concerned about physical survival, firearms are way more effective (but carry heavy potential consequences legally and karmically). However, the biggest threat to our well being nowadays is stress; so many diseases arise from stress and it’s effect on our central nervous system. While training will not eliminate stress and negative emotions, it will give us more choices to handle it when they arise. 

As we become aware of the reflection which mind and body have on each other, naturally we notice the breath as a bridge between the two. With training, we can learn how to slow down the perception of time. This becomes a check engine light on a car, martial artists learn to assess the situation. 

A few weeks ago, I was able to find compassion towards an irate driver who thought I wanted his parking space. I was not going to hand over my peace of mind over empty space and was able to release my own judgement for someone in need. While I’m not a saint, I am grateful to my training which helped me remain calm, safe, and out harm’s way.

5. The gift of community.

Challenging group classes surrounded by a supportive community

Our vibe attracts our tribe. By nature, martial arts at a fundamental level requires people to train with. When we train, we meet people on the same path. When our own will power may slacken (and it will), we can recall our friends and channel their strength for extra motivation and connection. The power of connection to community not only helps us to keep on track with goals but fuels the mission to dig deeper than before.

Without a doubt, training in martial arts will tremendously impact our life in a positive way.  While these changes may not happen overnight, the path is established when we overcome the first and most challenging step; walking in the door.  As my father often loves to brush in Chinese characters, “a drop of water makes a hole in stone”, once you begin your effort will be repaid in many tangible and intangible ways.

Take the first step to empower yourself or a loved one here