Enshin History

Over 40 Years of World Class Marital Arts

The name ENSHIN is derived from two Japanese words: “en” meaning ‘open or unfinished circle’ and “shin” meaning ‘heart’ or ‘inner.’ The combination of these two words and their meanings embody the most important aspects of Enshin Karate.

The ‘inner circle’ of Enshin Karate represents the strong bonds that keep us together. The strength of this community depends on the ability of each of us to listen to our hearts and to relate to others through it.

The circle is the essence of the strategy and movement in Enshin Karate. The infinite points on a circle represent the unlimited positions we move to and counter from in meeting an opponent. This circular movement that takes one out of a line of attack and into a position from which he can counter-attack is the basis for Enshin Karate technique.

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