Metabolic Conditioning Using Martial Arts and Controlled Breathing

Explore your inner potential using Warrior Fitness in a fun and supportive environment. Group classes are for all levels and you only need to come with the commitment to challenge yourself. Work at your own pace under master-class supervision to develop connected strength, and a speed demon who moves like an undercover ninja.

If you want to lose weight, gain functional strength Warrior Fit is for you. A time tested approach used by modern warriors to help you to move better, feel better, AND look better all at the same time. Imagine never doubting yourself physically. Always being up for activities and experiences that present themselves. Wake up feeling no limitations in the way you move or think. Instead, you feel excited about the potential that exists through sheer efficiency, connected strength, and the relaxed speed of a cat. Warrior Fitness was developed by a team of movement experts and mind-body professionals with decades of focus and discipline in the crafts of martial arts, yoga, and the quest for efficient power and range of motion.

  • Mobility and opening the body through yin yoga
  • Connected strength and cardiovascular development using EPOC, a scientifically proven approach to weight loss, increased recovery time, hormone balancing, and overall athletic performance.

Discover the Power of Sabaki

The hardest step to take in your martial arts journey is the first one! Learn more or join a supportive worldwide community of like-minded people